Wednesday, June 4, 2014

10 Fun Facts About Google's Self-Driving Car

1) It's 100% electric

2)  the car can be summoned by a Smartphone

3) The car has no steering wheel and no pedals, which could be a good thing as it only has two seats.

4) On a full charge the car will have a range of 100 miles

5)  The car uses GPS and satellite navigation systems for the close-up work it uses radar, lasers, and cameras.

6) It is a shared vehicle once your ride is over the car will remind you to gather your belongings before leaving the car as it may be summoned to another rider.

7) The car is considerably safer than vehicles driven by humans and Google is insuring that in the event one of these cars has an accident the damage to the occupant or a pedestrian is involved the damage and harm with be minimal. The car has a foam bumper and a flexible and windscreen. Which should do a better job of absorbing the energy.

8) 25 mph, max the car has a maximum speed of 25 mph which means the car will have to avoid certain roads and no freeways.

9) The car has a smiley face. That was designed on purposed to make it look it had a face. Google indented to make it very "Googley".

10) Google has no plans to manufacture the car, it is just for fun once the technology is ready Google plans to partner with a manufacture.

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